Watch the videos about Thanksgiving Day and learn the traditions!
pilgrims = peregrinos
sink = hundirse
wheat = trigo
corn = cereal, maiz
feast = festín, banquete
keeping them safe = mantenerlos a salvo
beans = judías
squash = calabacín
turkey = pavo
rocked = se movió
melted = se derritió
hunt = cazar
prayed = rezaron
barns = graneros
nearby = cerca
farmers = granjeros
stuffing = relleno
thankful = agradecidos
pie = tarta
smart = listos
shared = compartieron
invite over = invitar a que vengan
grow = plantar
Chuseok = fiesta coreana (de Corea)
Here you are a text about the origins of Thanskgiving Day and they way it is celebrated.
Thanksgiving Cloze Game